“Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail” Mindset Debunked!
A saying popularised by Benjamin Franklin suggests if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
There's some truth in it, especially for those who like being prepared for the next season of life.
We've always been meticulous planners, with most of our hours spent looking ahead to the next milestone and preparing to attain success.
Particularly, Gabes has a tendency to focus too much on the future.
It didn't matter whether we were going through a tough time or celebrating some good news. His mind was always racing ahead to the next thing on the agenda.
It's an admirable quality in many ways, but it meant Gabes struggled to be fully present in the here and now.
Preparation is essential, but we need to allow ourselves to mourn and cry with each other, and comfort each other in times of sadness and defeat. We need to allow ourselves to celebrate and give thanks to God in times of joy and victory.
Otherwise, we risk making each other feel unheard, unseen, and insignificant.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
And after eight years of being married to each other, we learned that no matter how much you prepare, life has a way of throwing curveballs that you simply can't anticipate.
Understanding that circumstances can change overnight, we're now more flexible with our plans. We employ a more fluid approach and no longer adhere to a predetermined timeline rigidly, allowing room for unexpected twists and turns.
This adaptability has been transformative for our union because it lets us navigate difficult seasons with greater resilience and unity.
The Bottomline
When we prepare extensively and rigidly, we can lose sight of the richness of the present moment.
Fulfilment is more about the journey along the way than the destination.
How do you strike the perfect balance between planning for the future and savouring today? Leave us a comment below to share your thoughts!
Discover what else we've learned in our eight years of marriage by reading here.
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